Now if you're anything like me, when a new endurance book comes out I've just got to get hold of a copy. So when I stumbled across this one, specifically for novice / beginner / new to endurance riders, I didn't want to think I knew it all so took a look.
Author Aarene Storms had a break from horses and when she went back to them was hooked by the Endurance bug, and we all know what that feels like, this is her book on everything the beginner needs to know.
Although this is an American book, written under AERC rules - the American equivalent of EGB, it is very well written, in plain, sensible english with some sound advice for those just starting out into the world of Endurance. Lots of photographs are included of the author and others including some Tevis cup finishers to highlight certain points. All in all some really good, sound and sensible advice for all of us.
The book is available on Amazon as a Kindle download, published November 2012.
Thanks for the book "shout out", Angela, and thanks for the comments on the Haiku Farm blog, too!
ReplyDeleteFor (paper copy) book orders outside of the U.S. visit Order now, and the publisher will have your copy autographed before popping it in the post!
Sounds good Aarene, good luck with the book sales